Although painful, most mouth ulcers will heal within 7-10 days.
Warm salty mouth washes will help relieve symptoms and promote healing.
Good oral hygiene, even if it is painful to brush, to keep the area clean. This will encourage healing and prevent more ulcers forming. However, be gentle and do use a soft/baby toothbrush.
Difflam Spray or mouthwash as required.
Soft diet (soft food will reduce trauma form biting).
Pain relief as required.
If the cause of your ulcer is due to Dentures rubbing then Denture adhesives like Poligrip or Fixodent may help secure a loose denture. Any sharp edges can be removed using an emery board and remove dentures when possible.
Corsodyl mouthwash can be used, but try to avoid using for a long period as it can cause staining.
If you have an ulcer still present after 3 weeks please call the Surgery for further advice.