All our latest news and help articles. Please click on the links below to read them.
Lost Crown
If you have a Crown that has become un-cemented, please keep it safe and contact the surgery for an appointment. In the mean time, please keep the tooth as clean as possible.
Knocked Out/Broken Teeth
If a tooth has been chipped and is sensitive and/or sharp then applying a sensitive toothpaste is advised. If a baby tooth has been knocked out, do not attempt to put it back in. Clean the area, bite on a clean handkerchief or towel for 20 minutes. If it [...]
Mouth Ulcers
Although painful, most mouth ulcers will heal within 7-10 days. Warm salty mouth washes will help relieve symptoms and promote healing. Good oral hygiene, even if it is painful to brush, to keep the area clean. This will encourage healing and prevent more ulcers forming. However, be gentle and [...]
After Extractions
We advise to continue taking regular painkillers for several days after an extraction and it is not uncommon for the pain to be at its worst on days 3-4. Some pink spit/oozing is normal after a tooth extraction. If the socket is bleeding freely, bite hard on gauze or [...]
Bleeding Gums
Bleeding from gums are NOT classed as a dental emergency. Bleeding gums are usually due to gum disease and will not stop until your brushing technique improves. Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes, paying particular attention to the areas that are bleeding. Remember to also use [...]